“BRS Global is Rated as One of the Best Primary Schools in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore“

Our Academic Programmes

Primary Division (Grade I - IV)

BRS Global School is one of the best primary schools in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. With a strong focus on academic excellence and holistic development, BRS Global School has garnered a reputation for providing quality education to its students.

At this stage too, the curriculum supports experiential learning, focuses on conceptual clarity by relating learning to everyday life, developing thinking and analytical skills. The curriculum also aims at nurturing the affective domain of the learners through subjects and activities which will help develop the basic life skills in the learner – self-awareness, effective communication skills and emotional strength. The pedagogy at this stage is not absolutely fixed, structured or prescribed but it is multi-dimensional and flexible, which gives the learner ample opportunities to explore and discover.

Our objective, ultimately, is to build a sturdy foundation on which every child can stand firmly and navigate towards excellence with conviction. A lot of care is taken to ensure that the joys of childhood are protected and preserved.

Our academically rigorous CBSE curriculum is integrated with experiential learning resources that are presented imaginatively to engage the students physically, cognitively and emotionally. Great emphasis is given on developing a strong academic base for the students along with opportunities to develop their creative and social skills through a wide variety of programmes. Through remedial sessions, children are given additional learning support by the teachers. Reading classes for Primary schools is incorporated in their timetable to inculcate the reading habit in them. Assessments are conducted on a regular basis and feedback is promptly shared with the students and parents.

Are you looking to admit your child to the best primary schools in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore?

The Learning Areas Include

  • Languages (English, Hindi) – Acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading & writing, acquire varied range of vocabulary, develop interpersonal communication skills and express meaningfully. Third Language is introduced in Class IV. These languages are taught through activities with an aim to initiate the language in a fun way. However, a more structured syllabus is followed in the upper primary stage. Students can opt for one of the languages out of Sanskrit, French, German and Spanish.
  • Mathematics – Performing operation of numbers, understanding shapes, similarities and differences, collecting data, representing and analysing the data, identifying patterns in shapes and numbers etc.
  • Environmental Science – To make them aware of their surroundings, appreciative of and sensitive of environmental issues (natural, physical, social and cultural)
  • Information & Communication technology
  • Visual Arts & Performing Arts
  • Physical & Health Education
  • Life skills & Value Education

Children also get opportunities to join various hobby clubs as per their interest and aptitude. They participate in intra-section and inter-section competitions, class assemblies, annual days, celebrations and social awareness campaigns

Subjects For Class IV

  • PhysicsEnglish
  • ChemistryHindi/Kannada/Sanskrit/French
  • MathematicsMathematics
  • BiologyScience
  • NEET
  • CETFrench/Sanskrit / Kannada (compulsory)[Up to grade VI]
  • PhysicsComputer Applications
  • ChemistryArt Education
  • MathematicsPhysical and Health Education

Enroll your child at the best primary school located in Kasavanahalli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore